Bringing the wisdom of the ages to the travails of the present:
- Responding to the Crisis of Value 11th August 2020
- Eastern Psychology Association talk 18th June 2020
- What do you see? 15th June 2020
- Virus in the mind 7th June 2020
- Time’s Up 27th May 2020
- Missing – presumed alive 16th May 2020
- The big interuption and an agenda for change 9th May 2020
- What difference does it make to have a faith? 30th April 2020
- What is the point of a wasp? 26th April 2020
- What will Spring be like? 20th April 2020
- Where was God in the COVID-19 crisis? 10th April 2020
- In Search of the Lost Chord 2nd April 2020
- In The Days of The Plague 25th March 2020