Social Enterprise

Long Spoon logoDeveloping a proven Community Project evidence-base model supported by the Royal Society of Arts and Church Urban Fund.

Long Spoon work on the premise that is vital to start with the experience of local people who are encouraged to voice their ideas and mobilise grassroots action where people come together to tackle social issues, exploring a whole systems community solution to the growing issue of loneliness in society.   This is:

  • Strengths-based approach rather than neediness in order to develop worthwhile tasks so people feel worthwhile
  • Social innovation to harness creative industries to national problems
  • Mobilising faith communities, health care providers, local Councils and business
  • Young people being tooled through local colleges with empathy and creativity for the 4th industrial revolution
  • Growing human connections in society as the nexus of community renewal

“where the stranger is a friend you have not yet met.”